Misael Gonzalez • Colossians 2:1-10
Every single one of us have most likely asked this question; can I really be
fulfilled in life? This question haunts mankind because we are all looking to be fulfilled in life by finding our place. The next 30 minutes present an opportunity for God to reveal to you that true eternal fulfillment can only come from one person: the author, creator, sustainer, and redeemer of the visible and invisible. Is it possible that you would give attention to why it makes logical and spiritual sense that all fulfillment is found in the person and work of Jesus
If your life was a parable, a small story with a big meaning, what lesson would we learn? Jesus often taught in parables, simple...
Misael Gonzalez • Ephesians 5:21-33 Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the Church is His plan for sharing that hope with...
Chris Wall • Ezra 4:1-6 ESV It was James who reminded us to count it joy when tough times come. JOY??? It is true...