It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight.
It is the Good News that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead. By His grace, we are forgiven. Our relationship with God has been restored. We have received the righteousness of God through faith.
Have you heard of the Good News? Will you share the Good News with others? As we prepare our hearts during this Season of Lent, discover the Good News that Jesus Christ has come to save His people from their sin.
Nathan McKnight • 1 Peter 3:13-22 NIV A meme is a picture, video, or piece of text shared over and over again that communicates...
Misael Gonzalez. • Matthew 12:38-42 NIV It is impossible to go through life without seeing how incredible and beautiful the earth is. I would...
Chad Balthrop • Luke 17:1-4 ESV Joseph was a dreamer. His dreams reflected the promises of God. Yet his dreams were derailed over and...