Misael Gonzalez • Ezra 8
As we celebrate the 75 th Anniversary of our church in 2022, we need to
seek Gods’ wisdom on how we will approach the next 75 years of gospel centered
ministry in the Greater Tulsa Area. This sermon aims to demonstrate how God realigns His people in Ezra and how we must realign our church. The way to accomplish that is to take our Next Steps Together.
Misael Gonalez • Colossians 1:1-8 Do you have a word or phrase that you choose every year? We do too! Each year, our Senior...
What drives the decisions you make? Where is the trajectory of your life talking you? One step forward. Two steps back? Every choice draws...
Misael Gonzalez • Nehemiah 6-7 The Lord has answered your prayers! He has [re]constructed something in you, your friends, your family, or your church!...