Misael Gonzalez • Matthew 2:1-12 NIV
Unrealistic expectations lead to disappoint. Jesus, the Christmas promise, will never disappointment because he has clearly told us what to expect. The Old Testament pointed to a Savior who would be born in Bethlehem. The New Testament points to this same Savior triumphally returning in amazing glory. As we wait, let us worship Jesus in expectation and prepare for his second arrival.
Chad Balthrop • Acts 1:6-8 ESV #theMissionLife - Unless God stops me, I will be involved in church every Sunday this year.
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 2 13-17 NIV Do you like talking about controversial things? This message is just the beginning of our series...
A story is told of a man who was fully surrendered to God. With determined purpose, he chose a mission that would give the...