Latest Episodes

Good News CC - Rob Lewis - 04-07-2019
It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight. It...

Good News CC - Why Punishment for Sin? - Rob Lewis - 03-31-2019
It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight. It...

Good News CC - The Rescue for Sinners - Rob Lewis - 03-24-2019
It is the foundation of our faith, seed we pray falls on Good Soil, the source of our victory in the Good Fight. It...

Good Fight CC - Relentlessly Faithful - Rob Lewis -3-17-2019
A story is told of a man who was fully surrendered to God. With determined purpose, he chose a mission that would give the...

Good Fight CC - Understanding Suffering - Rob Lewis - 3-10-2019
A story is told of a man who was fully surrendered to God. With determined purpose, he chose a mission that would give the...

Good Fight CC - Faithful Under Pressure - Rob Lewis - 3-3-2019
A story is told of a man who was fully surrendered to God. With determined purpose, he chose a mission that would give the...