Chad Balthrop • Galatians 5:16-26
Every great gardener will tell you - the key to growing great fruit is cultivating a great environment. The Church is a greenhouse for growth. As we gather, God creates a climate where people can experience His presence, walk in His Spirit, and be strengthened by one another. The fruit that grows here is abundant and you can be filled to the full with its goodness.
A reluctant King.An underestimated boy.A nation unwilling to hear the heart of God. It's not a fairy tale or an ancient story of kingdoms...
Chris Wall • Mark 8:22-26 God looks at the heart and considers the meditations of the heart. How is your heart? Are you keeping...
Brad Aylor • 1 Peter 3:1-7 ESV A meme is a picture, video, or piece of text shared over and over again that communicates...