Just Walk Across the Room

Episode 4 June 08, 2021 00:37:41
Just Walk Across the Room
theMission Church
Just Walk Across the Room

Jun 08 2021 | 00:37:41


Show Notes

Chad Balthrop • Colossians 3:9-11

Because you are made in the IMAGO DEI, the image of God, your identity is a remarkable gift. Your identity gives you purpose. Everyone you’ll ever meet
is a reflection of who He is. Yet the identity of humanity is broken by sin. Can this sin be overcome? Can our identity be renewed? Can these relationships -- with God and one another -- be restored?

Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. His love transforms all the broken spaces of our lives. Now, as those who have “put on Christ”, we have received this noble gift and calling of reconciliation. We can stand divided or -- in the grace of God -- we can be instruments of His grace. Just walk across the room.

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