Chad Balthrop • Matthew 27:62 - 28:15
Your first job. Getting engaged. The birth of your grandkids. We’ve all
had encounters we can’t wait to talk about. On the flip side, some of our most tragic decisions create encounters we hope no one ever uncovers. The gospel story is an encounter you can’t ignore. Jesus predicted His death. He promised His resurrection. He prepared a way for you to have life everlasting. In the last chapters of the Gospel of Matthew, we find three groups of people with very different reactions to the resurrection of Jesus. How will you respond when you experience a resurrection encounter?
Chad Balthrop • Acts 9:1-19 After the resurrection, followers of Christ saw Him face-to-face. He ascended into heaven and they continued to tell the...
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 1:10-12 NIV Every generation is different and lives through distinct struggles. However, the message of the gospel has remained...
Chad Balthrop • 1 John 1:1-4 More investigation has been done into the factual history and spiritual significance of the life of Jesus than...