Misael Gonzalez • Exodus 4:24-25
If we are to live in radical obedience in the everyday, we must be willing to die to ourselves and live worthy of and remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. This odd paragraph foreshadows that sacrifice and reminds us that if we are children of God, we must act like it.
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 1:10-12 NIV Every generation is different and lives through distinct struggles. However, the message of the gospel has remained...
Misael Gonzalez • Colossians 1:24-29 Have your felt like your suffering was worth it? Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus definitely thought so. He...
Chad Balthrop • Colossians 2:11-17 Our generation is fascinated by 'est'. In sports, we debate over who's the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time). We...