Christmas is a season to celebrate the greatest gift ever given - a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger. This gift of God's Son is the gift of life for all who believe. Before the time of His birth and as angels declared His glory, the coming of the newborn King inspired songs of faith and acts of remarkable courage. Find strength and experience joy in Songs of the Season.
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Corinthians 15:42-54 A seed must die for a plant to grow. What must die in you for you to grow?...
Misael Gonzalez • Colossians 1:24-29 Have your felt like your suffering was worth it? Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus definitely thought so. He...
Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 1:1-2 NIV Transformation is not something that happens by doing the same thing repeatedly expecting the same results. Transformation...