Misael Gonzalez • 1 Peter 5:1-7 NIV
In times of persecution and trial, the local church is one of your greatest divine gifts of help, blessing and relationships. God calls us together and intentionally puts leaders in your life to walk with you through every circumstance. When it comes to the leadership structure of churches, most people don’t really look deeply into what the Bible says about church leadership. Most people simply accept what they see without really looking deeply into scripture. God used Peter to help us understand the value of church leadership as a source of strength in difficult times.
Chad Balthrop • Acts 15:36-41 Let’s be honest. Church life would be easy if it weren’t for all these messed up people! It’s a...
Chad Balthrop • Acts 9:1-19 After the resurrection, followers of Christ saw Him face-to-face. He ascended into heaven and they continued to tell the...
Chad Balthrop • Colossians 3:1-11 It’s been said that people don’t change until they have enough, knowenough, or hurt enough. So, how would your...