Why Should I Give to my Church?

Episode 7 September 26, 2022 00:48:07
Why Should I Give to my Church?
theMission Church
Why Should I Give to my Church?

Sep 26 2022 | 00:48:07


Show Notes

Chris Wall • 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 NIV

Stewardship. God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him. Christians have a spiritual debtorship to the whole world, a holy trusteeship in the gospel, and a binding stewardship in their possessions. They are therefore under obligation to serve Him with their time, talents, and material possessions; and should recognize all these as entrusted to them to use for the glory of God and for helping others. According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately, and liberally for the advancement of the Redeemer’s cause on earth.

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