You’ve heard the stories. A successful business owner struggles with the depression that comes from never having enough. A prominent actor takes their own life, popularity unable to assuage the despair they feel inside. A wife in a seemingly happy marriage leaves her family in search of the satisfaction she didn’t find at home. Every day we meet people who could say, “My life is great. So why do I feel so sad?” An ancient king once explored everything that makes life meaningful. He discovered an eternal answer to an everyday question. From the day of your birth until the time of your death, what lies in-between is the life you build. How will you live The Dash?
Jonathan Watts • 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Have you ever tried to love someone by being jealous of them? When is the last time you...
Misael Gonzalez • Hebrews 1:5-14 As King, Jesus rules in such a way as not to allow sin to reign over us any longer....
Pastor Chris Wall • Colossians 2:18-23 At the church in Colossae, these gnostic teachers were bringing some legalistic heat. For these guys, their doctrines...